Facilities Methods Publications

First dating of an early Chibanian glacial overdeepening in the Alpine Foreland

Within the frame of a collaborative work involving the Eawag, the University of Basel, Nagra, and the University of Bern it was possible for the first time to date sediments deposited during the early Chibanian (Middle Pleistocene) using the 4He/U-Th medod. The respective article accepted by Geology and is freely available at the following address:

Tomonaga, Y., Buechi, M.W., Deplazes., G., & Kipfer, R. (in press). First dating of an early Chibanian (Middle Pleistocene) glacial overdeepening in the Alpine Foreland using the 4He/U-Th method. Geology, doi:10.1130/G52544.1.

At Entracers we now have all the know-how and technical means to apply the newly developed method applied to determine the radiogenic 4He concentrations in the pore water of coarse/semi-consolidated sediments as those found in the Hochfelden-Strassberg drilling!

Methods Publications

Gas-bentonite interactions in Engineered Barrier Systems

A collaborative research project involving the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, the Institute of Geological Sciences at the University of Bern, and Posiva Oy targeted gas-bentonite interactions in relation to the gas dynamics in Engineered Barrier Systems. The outcome of the study has been published in the following open access article:

  • Tomonaga, Y., Wersin, P., Rufer, D., Pastina, B., Koho, P., Ville, H., & Kipfer, R. (2022). Gas-bentonite interactions: Towards a better understanding of gas dynamics in Engineered Barrier Systems. Appl. Geochem., 138, 105205, doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2022.105205.

Interested in conducting further investigations based on the same methods? Entracers GmbH can now provide the required know-how as well as the related analytical facilities!

Facilities Methods

Entracers acquired the first patented GE-MIMS module

Let’s call it “Christmas present”: Entracers is now the proud owner of the first patented (or, more precisely, “pat. pending”) GE-MIMS module which allows quantitative gas analysis in water using the miniRUEDI. Such Eawag-patented GE-MIMS modules can be purchased at Gasometrix GmbH.


Article on deconvolution and compensation of MS interferences

A method that extends the miniRUEDI peak-height comparison has been developed in order to resolve interferences resulting from overlapping ion currents of multiple species. Here the details on the publication:

Brennwald, M. S., Tomonaga, Y., & Kipfer, R. (2020). Deconvolution and compensation of mass spectrometric overlap interferences with the miniRUEDI portable mass spectrometer. MethodsX, 7, 101038, doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2020.101038.